Jan 09, 2014 | demo | [post_comments" zero="0" one="1" more="%1$s"]
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What they’re saying about FORKS
“One of my big things is how important it is to be curious. When we’re curious, we ask more questions, and we’re more open to experiences. When we’re open, we tend to recognize how much we can learn and experience and get rewards out of life. But, you don’t have to travel around the world to do great things.” He also said how important it is to push your own boundaries and constantly try new things.

[FORKS] is a delight for the eyes, the imagination, for the heart, and to bask in what it must have felt like to share these experiences with people all over the world. The pages are full of gorgeous pictures, and the unique cuisine of each country. These are the tales of a man who got to follow his passions.
Laura FriedkinSan Francisco Book ReviewYou should not skip a single page of this book. Every one has a story (Allan Karl is a brilliant story teller. It’s a documentary of a man who ignored everyone who told him he was crazy, traded in the life he was supposed to have, and saw the world in a way few do. Forks aren’t just something we eat with. They are points at which we make decisions, and his have given us a rich, vibrant portrait of the world, its residents, and their foods.
JJ VincentThe Good Men Project
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